# 16 - Upper Wadboo Creek
Rated: Moderate to Strenuous
5 miles, one-way
One of the most beautiful paddles in the state,
the historic Upper Wadboo Creek is a lovely
cypress swamp that looks the same as it did
two centuries ago when Francis Marion roamed
these parts. You'll see remnants of 19th century
rice plantations dikes and canals, large limestone
-bluffs and the fauna include white tailed deer,
-turkey, osprey and ibis.

Difficulty: Moderate to Strenuous. Can be challenging during periods of low water when it may be necessary to portage around obstructions.
Distance: 5 miles, one-way.
Time: 2 - 3 hours.
Crowds: Light.
IMPORTANT: Requires staging 2 vehicles or arranging pickup if doing down creek trip. Another fun trip, and one that most paddlers do is to launch from the Rembert C. Dennis Landing (listed as "Take Out" below) and paddle up stream as far as they can go. You'll see a great variety of swamp by doing this.
Put In: Patts Road, Moncks Corner, SC 29461. Park at end of dirt road and there’s an easily to find path leading to Palmetto Trail on the southeast side of the parking area. The launching ramp/bridge is a 300-yard portage down the trail. GPS for Parking Area: 33.255451, -79.916218 or 33°15’19.6”N, 79°54’58.4”W. GPS for Actual Ramp/Bridge: 33.253937, -79.913003 or 33°15’14.2”N, 79°54’46.8”W. PHOTO of KAYAK LAUCH.
Take Out: Rembert C. Dennis Landing, 1400 SC HWY 402, Moncks Corner, SC 29461. GPS: 33.195955, -79.953198 or 33°11’45.4”N, 79°57’11.5”W. PHOTO of BOAT RAMP.
Fees/Permits: None.
Current: Runs downstream, southwest direction.
Tidal Influence: Yes! Approximately 2.75 hours behind the Charleston tide table. Charleston Tide Chart, click HERE.
Precautions: Obstructions or water levels that require portaging are the biggest concern. After big storms, downed trees and low hanging branches will have to be negotiated. It’s advisable to wear bright orange during hunting season.
Water Level: Check the Tailrace Canal (Cooper River) discharge rate. It should be below 5,000 cubic feet per second. Tailrace Canal Discharge Rate, click HERE.
Weather on the Trail: Click HERE
Paddling Through History: Further down Wadboo Creek in August 1782, the British military attacked Brig. Gen. Francis Marion and his militiamen. Marion beat back the British attack. Shortly after this skirmish, the British abandoned South Carolina. Francis Marion went on to make Wadboo his headquarters.
So Much History Nearby: Did you know Berkeley County has more than 110 historical markers and historical points of interest? CLICK HERE to find your Adventures in History!